At least for the last three
decades, one of the most discussed topics in social sciences is terrorism and
national security. However, social sciences lack a logical justification of why
terrorism occurs? Why it escalates and de-escalates? Why certain types of
victims are selected? And, what determines the choice of weapons? Despite some
contributions by scholars from security and regional geopolitics, political
science, law and international relations, the state of hypothesis, data and
facts about causes of terrorism remains in hysteria.
Justifiably, terrorism
remains one of the security challenges of the modern world – together with
organized crime, extremism, religious, ethnic and social conflicts. Identifying
that terrorism is an artifact of an amalgamation of demographic, economic, and
political determinants, a panel of National Research Council observes that “regions
most likely to generate terrorist threats have a history of colonialist
exploitation by Western interests, and of postcolonial economic and cultural
penetration. Particularly in nondemocratic societies, conflicts generally
reflect class, ethnic, racial, or religious divisions”.
Since 9/11 attacks and
its causes and consequences, the terror events have sparked transformed concern
in the deployment of technologies in the fight against terror and national
security. Despite the characterization and dimension of terrorism changing over
the decades, GIS has been found to be a very effective contrivance. It has the potential
of preventing, predicting or countering terrorist attacks, while helping to
strategize and support ground level combat operations. GIS application in the
fight against terror begins with monitoring and surveillance of terror
activity. It moves on to disseminate critical information through the various
public service agencies, law enforcement agencies, intelligence departments and
homeland security system. In the event of a terror attack, geospatial tools and
technologies not only help to secure citizens and property but also, support
the ground combat operations.
An act of terrorism does
not happen in the vacuum usually has a planning cycle thus, displays distinct
temporal trends. At the same time, the planning exposes a bimodal spatial
pattern of preparation and target selection. The bimodal geospatial platform is
capable to project the terrorist’s pre-attack behavior in a space-time
trajectory and the information may available in real time for a decision
support system. GIS technology enables a seamless flow of information between
intelligence and law enforcements agencies for monitoring and combat operations
not only at the local but also, neighborhood level. GIS and related geospatial
technologies can be applied to national security and counterterrorism in five
principle manners. Firstly, GIS can serve as a tool for intelligence analysis.
Secondly, GIS can be employed to simulate scenarios for terrorist attacks to
identify and harden targets. Thirdly, GIS can be used to coordinate the
immediate response to an actual attack by providing information on the
proximity of attacked sites to first responders – police, fire, medical and
other resources. Fourthly, GIS as well as GPS, aerial videography, laser
detection and ranging (LiDAR) can be used to assess the short-term and
intermediate-term effect of an attack and aid in establishing the boundaries of
evacuation zones, locating evidence, locating and rescuing victims, building
collapse, and so on. Lastly, GIS and satellite remote sensing or digital aerial
imagery can be used to coordinate retaliation in the form of air strikes and to
assist a whole range of more subtle military, paramilitary and law enforcement
Areas of GIS
Application in National Security and Counterterrorism:
Terror Group Surveillance
Intelligence Gathering and Visualization
Contingency Planning
Military/Police Operations
Timely Decision Support
Real-time management of field operations
Monitoring of Potential Targets
Area Assessment – terrain, layout,
location, roadmap
Countering Terrorist Financing
Geospatial Intelligence
In the Pakistan
context, volatile neighborhood necessitate that the Pakistan Armed Forces have
to be prepared for operations across the spectrum of conflict –
sub-conventional, conventional and nuclear. Such a threat scenario can only be
effectively addressed by the efficient use of modern technologies and systems
using GIS tools. The fight against terrorism cannot be efficient without
cooperation and coordination of activities and actors. Apart from an adequate
legislative framework, which is indispensable for the security system to run
smoothly, it is also important to keep the right channels for a swift and
reliable exchange of relevant information. It is thus necessary to constantly
review the communication and cooperation equipment and processes and make sure
they are fit for purpose both in terms of current and long-term needs.
Excellent work
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