Friday, 24 August 2012

Importance of Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan

The 21st century is technically called the Biological Century. World is changing globally step by step and the modern era is having the application of engineering in almost every field of science especially biological science. More technological advancement in the medical and industrial area is predictable with heavily funded research programs ongoing in most countries of the world. Development in the field of biology and medicine, such as human genome sequencing and research to create cell and organ functions, have lead to a serious change in many industrial segments and strengthened the medical engineering profession. Although the conventional areas of engineering and other technology innovations will continue, more new opportunities will come up in Biomedical Engineering and in the field of biology, medicine, health and delivery of healthcare. The Biomedical age is still in the embryonic stage, rising steadily as we proceed to develop the field of Biomedical Engineering.

Pakistan, like many other developing countries, is facing tribulations in health care deliver. The health system in Pakistan is currently going through several reforms at the federal, provincial and district level particularly to improve the delivery of health service to the population.  Although, our nation’s health care providers – surgeons, physicians, nurses, and others work hard to provide life-saving and life-improving care to millions of Pakistanis but, the level of quality and efficiency of care varies significantly across the country. Good health as people know from their own experience is a critical part of well-being. With growing healthcare awareness, increase in population and greater affordability for optimized healthcare, the need for qualified Biomedical Engineering professionals is increased in Pakistan therefore; the suitable and applicable structure is required to bridge the gap between medical technology and patient care. Currently, the status of Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan is far from satisfactory. Federal and Provincial government should make some policies to introduce Biomedical Engineering departments in hospitals and other healthcare centers. Biomedical Engineers can play a key role in the delivery of healthcare both in private and government sectors.
In Pakistan, Biomedical Engineers must be employed in universities, industry, hospitals, research centers for education and medical institutions, teaching and government regulatory agencies. Biomedical Engineers must be employed in government positions for product testing and safety, besides establishing safety standards for devices. In hospitals environment, Biomedical Engineers can provide recommendation and supervision in the selection of medical equipment and they can also manage the performance of the equipments on a continuous basis. A well establish hospital cannot offer quality of healthcare without having Biomedical Engineering department, particularly hospital that is involve into secondary and tertiary care, because such hospitals are full of medical equipments, instruments, devices, and machinery that can be operated, calibrated and maintained by Biomedical Engineers through appropriate and skilled manners.

Consequently, Biomedical Engineering has a huge impact on the world we live in today. There are now an array of medical devices and machines that can both improve health and save lives. Indeed, medical care will be strongly influenced by the revolutionary changes brought about by Biomedical age in term of quality, technology, cost, and life style specially in developing countries like Pakistan. Medical care in the Biomedical age will flexibly meet individual, diversified, and comprehensive needs. Biomedical Engineering must adjoin with doctors and healthcare providers in Pakistan for better health.

Importance of Biomedical Engineering in Pakistan | Technology Times

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