
Showing posts from April, 2018

CAS-TWAS Science Diplomacy at USTC

“Nowadays the challenges for science and technology are more and more globalized, and these common problems require scientific exchanges and cooperation in various forms.” – Xi Jinping As the globalization of science and technology (S&T) is escalating, policy makers around the world are looking for fresh approach to shape and influence its dynamics. In recent times, these efforts have drawn attention on Science Diplomacy – hereafter SD: enabling international scientific research affiliation and influence foreign policies with scientific advice and evidence. SD is considered by most developed countries with advance economy as an initiative and tool that cultivate international relations in the fields of science, technology, innovation and education. The most important benefits of SD include the prospect to promote the domestic scientific environment in foreign countries at the same time advancing an additional foreign policy instrument. Through SD as a foreign policy instrumen...