
Showing posts from July, 2014

E-governance: An important tool for fighting corruption

Throughout the world, governments are faced with the challenge of renovation and the need to reinvent government systems in order to deliver efficient and cost effective services via information and communication technologies. E-government is understood as the use of such technologies to promote more professional and successful government, more convenient government services, greater public access to information, and more government accountability to citizens, whereas governance is a wider term which covers the state’s institutional arrangements, decision making processes, implementation capacity and the relationship between government officials and the public. E-government can not only be viewed as a subset of e-governance, and its focus is largely on improving administrative efficiency and reducing corruption but can also result in huge cost saving to governments and citizens. The topic of anti-corruption has recently generated generous academic interest. Each corrupt transactio...

Corruption in health system: The scale of problem

Health is a most significant global industry but, more than that, it is a global human right. The health sector is susceptible to abuse through diverse channels. Health system integrates various different actors in a complex web of relationships, which makes corruption difficult to identify where it exists. Corruption in the health system is broadly known both in developed and developing countries but widespread corruption in Pakistan is disquieting. According to the Transparency International, corruption may be defined as “the misuse of entrusted power for private gain” or “sale by government officials of government property for private gain” . Corruption in the health division is not exclusive to any particular kind of health system. It occurs in systems whether they are principally public or private, technically simple or sophisticated, and sound funded or badly funded. The degree of corruption is, in part, an indication of the society in which it operates. Health system cor...

Rethinking GIS to enhance e-government services

The World Summit on the Information Society declared in the Geneva 2003 Plan of Action that all countries should aim “to connect all local and central government departments and establish websites and email address”. GIS is used in a extensive range of public sector applications including, land use and urban growth planning, legislative districting, conservation, benchmarking human services, emergency management, environmental monitoring, humanitarian relief, natural disasters and public information services. In brief, GIS along with ICT is being used increasingly to support the e-government strategies in developed and developing countries and is making an impact on the complex issues affecting human development in respective countries. GIS, a compound technology for governments to use it, relies closely on computerized map data that needs to show the key features of the area within the jurisdiction of the government.

Pakistan desperately needs IT-based health management system

The facility based health information system is one of the most powerful tools for the planning and management of health services. In view of the existing vast health infrastructure, spread all over the country in terms of health facilities, services, staff, drugs and supplies etc. there has been a need to establish an efficient information system responding to the information needs of various decision making levels of the healthcare delivery system. The importance of a health management and information system cannot be ignored as health policies and planning in any country depends mostly on the correct and timely information on various health issues.

Health Informatics – a turning point in health system

The need for education in health informatics is accredited by most countries that are involved in the introduction of technology in healthcare. A number of developing countries have recently undertaken structural reform to the healthcare information and delivery system; an important component of this reform is the establishment of reliable, timely and effective information systems. Additionally, health informatics is also a key element of the practice of evidenced-based medical education, students with a web based medical education can study more resourcefully and make sound judgments regarding the clinical problems they encounter during their practical life. The curriculum adopted in the conventional medical institutes of developed and developing countries is replaced by a number of new teaching methods that improve dynamic learning but unfortunately we are still stuck to the old traditional methods of teaching based on lectures and memorization. Presently large numbers of private a...

HIT: Fuelling decision, saving lives!

The deliverance of healthcare is changing globally. Policymakers, healthcare providers, supporting industries, and payers all are playing a significant function in the revolution of healthcare from the existing reactive mold to one that is personalized, predictive, preventive, and participatory. The union of systems’ loom to sickness, biomedical technology, imaging technology, and health information technology tools are building a learning healthcare system that applies healthy evidence-based medicine to manage optimal healthcare. An improved capability to recognize symptoms and risk factors, together with larger data capacity, has given a greater insight into the nature of many diseases.,%20saving%20lives!